Milburt Farm & Greenhouse
Welcome to the Milburt Farm web page. We are
an independent greenhouse grower, located in the Town of Galway, in
northwestern Saratoga County. We offer a full line of bedding plants,
annuals, perennials, vegetables, and a large line of
hanging baskets of many different varieties. A copy of our variety list
for 2024 can be
found here to see the list in pdf format.
Later in the summer we have cut flowers,
herbs (fresh and dried), and also mums and asters to complete the season.
Are you stuck
sitting home wondering about your garden this year? We have the stuff to
make it great for you! In
addition to annual and vegetable transplants, we also have lots of plants for
your homesteading garden, including
rhubarb, asparagus(3 kinds), horseradish, blueberry, and raspberry bushes, all
ready to be put in. We can also
help you plan out a perennial herb garden for culinary or medicinal uses.
Flats of Petunias - ready to go! Combination baskets of all colors.
Plant Listings Contact Us Hours of Operation Markets